As The SCOAN�s Wise Men moved through the congregation in prayer, the lightning of God located Iyke and he was no longer able to control himself. Lunging towards one of the Wise Man as if to attack him, an evil spirit that had been tormenting the life of Jim Iyke manifested! The congregation in the auditorium and the overflow congregations shouted in surprise as they began to witness the deliverance of a man they were all too familiar with. The evil spirit that had tormented the life of Jim Iyke for so many years began to manifest, confessing that it was the cause of Iyke�s setback and disappointment. It confessed that it was the reason he could never marry, stating that it would not allow him to love anyone. It continued confessing that Iyke was the biggest and that it was only God�s grace that had kept him. As the evil spirit inside him struggled to attack the Wise Man, the supremacy of the Holy Spirit continued to overpower it. Download link


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